Date: September 12, 2024
Time: 16:00 – 18:00
Location: Bullseye 🎯, Snorrabraut 37, 105 Reykjavik

It’s time for an informal Icelandic forum for cybersecurity. We are pleased to announce Skjaldtorg: Iceland’s Cybersecurity Meetup, aimed at professionals responsible for cybersecurity within their organizations. This upcoming event provides an opportunity to gather in an informal setting, discuss the pressing challenges in cybersecurity, and exchange ideas on effective approaches.

With mounting cybersecurity challenges, we believe Iceland needs a forum where cybersecurity professionals can gather, share experiences, network, and collaborate. If this meetup proves to be successful, we intend to make these events a regular series to foster a community of cybersecurity experts in Iceland.

Agenda Highlights:

  • Welcome to Skjaldtorg – Valdimar Óskarsson, CEO of Keystrike
  • Lightning talks session (5-8 min each):
    • Ýmir Vigfússon, Associate Professor at Emory University and co-founder of Keystrike, Adversary, and Syndis, will discuss how circular logic around how we implement authentication has opened the doors for ransomware gangs and advanced persistent threats.
    • Guðmundur Arnar Sigmundsson, from CERT-IS, will describe the current threat landscape in Iceland.
    • Daði Gunnarsson, from HVÍN, will provide insights into the new Eyvör cybersecurity grant.
  • Expert panel on current cybersecurity issues: The panel participants will be announced prior to the event. The audience will have the chance to engage with the discussions and share their perspectives.
  • Networking: Following the talks, participants are invited to stay for a casual networking session, with light refreshments and a game of darts offered by Keystrike.

Registration: The event is free but registration is required due to limited capacity. To attend, simply email us at [email protected].

Attendance quota: Our goal is to facilitate the exchange of ideas and perspectives from different voices and backgrounds. To encourage a diverse and collaborative discussion, we are limiting attendance to 2-3 participants per organization.

Call for lightning talks and panels: We’d value your suggestions for future Skjaldtorg security meetups, so please share your ideas by sending us an email or speaking with us.

We look forward to your participation and the vibrant conversations at the event.