Block Lateral Movement

Early detection of Advanced Persistent Threats (APT) to stop ransomware & data exfiltration

Establishing the Root of Trust in the Era of APT

Identity controls like MFA & PAM can’t detect Workstation-as-a-Proxy attacks (WaaP) from compromised devices

13 Easy ways to Bypass MFA

Attackers living off the land compromise the root of trust

Stop Incidents Before the Breach

Traditional security alerts lack accuracy to automate decisive action. Keystrike Blocks by Default.

Block social engineering tactics that rely on tricking users into accepting remote desktop connections to their workstations


Remote connection attempts trigger detection forcing APT out of stealth mode to advance their attack


Blocking malicious commands within remote sessions isolates compromised workstations from sensitive systems


Automatically suspend accounts, revoke sessions, and deactivate network access for compromised workstations

Amer Sports Detects APT & Blocks Lateral Movement

When I learned about Keystrike, I loved the simplicity. Keystrike ensures that only our own employees are accessing our servers, not adversaries who have hacked our employees. But Keystrike also doesn’t bother or distract our employees at all, which is a great win-win: stronger security without added inconvenience.

Heimir Kristjánsson

Cyber Security Operations Manager

Secure All Your User Roles’ Access into All Your Asset Types

  • Administrators, standard users & contractors
  • Servers you manage & SaaS you consume
  • High security networks & OT Environments
  • Domain controllers & sensitive systems

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